
  • Maria Alice Altenburg de ASSIS Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Markus Vinícius NAHAS Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


feeding behavior, applied nutrition programmes, nutrition programmes, nutrition education, ergonomics, nutrition intervention


This article is a review of the most recent publications related to the motivation and adherence factors in nutritional intervention programs directed toward behavioral changes. The review included papers published since 1990. The initial part of the article
presents the definitions of several terms commonly associated with researches on the behavioral change area, such as adherence, complacence, motivation, maintenance and relapse. Afterwards, the authors present information related to the factors that have been found to interfere in food choices and those that may determine the nutricional habits. The patient - professional relationship is also analysed. The following section reviews the main theories of motivation, which justify the intervention programs designed to change nutritional behavior. There seems to be a trend in the literature toward nutritional intervention programs that integrate the Social Cognitive Theory model and the professional training to acquire the needed skills to motivate people to promote the desired behavioral changes.


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How to Cite

Altenburg de ASSIS, M. A. ., & NAHAS, M. V. (1999). MOTIVATIONAL ASPECTS IN PROGRAMS OF NUTRITIONAL BEHAVIOR CHANGES. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 12(1). Retrieved from

