breast feeding, infant food, weaning, rural population, BrazilAbstract
Breast feeding and weaning were studied in 76 infants from 3 to 24 months of age in two rural communities in Piracicaba, state of São Paulo. Interviews with the children’s mothers were conducted at their homes. The average duration of exclusive breast feeding, predominant breast feeding (including only water and tea) and complementary feeding was analyzed by means of life tables. The Wilcoxon test was conducted to verify socioeconomic and demographic variables associated with the duration of breast feeding. The average duration of exclusive breast feeding was 3 days in the community of Anhumas and 30 days in that of Santa Olímpia. Predominant breast feeding and complementary feeding were prolonged for 90 and 180 days in Anhumas and for 120 and 165 days in Santa Olímpia, respectively. Only the sex of the child was associated with the duration of predominant breast feeding, with boys being nursed longer. Insufficient milk was the main reason given for termination of breast feeding. Weaning was generally initiated with liquids such as water, tea, fluid cow milk and sweetened juices.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Kátia Cilene TABAI, José Ferreira de CARVALHO, Elisabete SALAY
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