
  • Maria Luiza Ferreira STRINGHINI Universidade Federal de Goiás
  • Gersislei Antonia SALADO Universidade Federal de Goiás
  • Joaquim Tomé de SOUSA Universidade Federal de Goiás
  • Márcia Armentano Clark REIS Universidade Federal de Goiás
  • Adriane Cecília Teixeira Oliveira TELES Universidade Federal de Goiás


nutritional assesment, diet therapy, community health, services, outpatients, food service hospital


The aim of this paper is to evaluate, in a restropective analysis, the attendance at the nutrition ambulatory service of the Hospital das Clínicas of the Universidade Federal de Goiás, Brazil, from 1991 to 1995. The purpose of the ambulatory is to give nutritional
orientation to healthy and sick people of the community, and also to the employees and the students of the University. The attendance is done with the use of an individual register that includes a rigorous control of weight and height data, a 24 hours record of diet and behaviour information and a record of the eating frequency. The diet prescription is individual and it is based on the cultural, social and economic conditions of the patient. In the retrospective analysis, nutritional forms were consulted, and data about age, sex, nutritional status, medical diagnosis, associated diseases and number of returning consultations were evaluated. It was observed that 646 patients were attended, of which 26.2% were male and 73.8% were female, and 24.7 % of them aged 19 to 35 years. The main diseases verified were obesity (50.8%) and diabetes (33.3%). Concerning to nutritional status classification, 33.9% of the diabetic clients were overweight and 30.2% were eutrophic. Among the patients whose main complaint was obesity, 68.3% were really classified as obese. It was observed that 40.9%


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How to Cite

Ferreira STRINGHINI, M. L. ., Antonia SALADO, G. ., Tomé de SOUSA, J., Armentano Clark REIS, M. ., & Teixeira Oliveira TELES, A. C. . (1997). RETROSPECTIVE EVALUATION OF THE THERAPY AMBULATORY SERVICE AT THE HOSPITAL DAS CLÍNICAS OF THE UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE GOIÁS - BRAZIL. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 10(2). Retrieved from

