
  • Silvia M. Franciscato Cozzolino Universidade de São Paulo


mineral bioavailability, diet


The importance of mineral bioavailability determination in diets is focused on the establishment of these minerals intake recommendations, considering the individual necessities. So, researche of nutrients bioavailability should be specific to each country, taking into account the numerous types of diets and individuals. The purpose of this article is to discuss the available methodologies for mineral bioavailability assessment and the variables that interfere with this evaluation, trying to make young researcher interested in this area which is quite promising in new discoveries.


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How to Cite

Franciscato Cozzolino, S. M. . (1997). MINERAL BIOVAILABILITY. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 10(2). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/nutricao/article/view/8545



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