Eating out or in from home: Analyzing the quality of meal according eating locations
Diet, Feeding behavior, Food services, Nutrition programs and policies, WorkersAbstract
The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of meals consumed by workers from São Paulo according to eating location.
This cross-sectional study used the 24-hour recall to collect dietary data from 815 workers, including where the meal was consumed, and then grouped the meals by eating location: home, workplace cafeteria, and restaurant. Meal quality was assessed according to energy content and density, fiber density, and proportion of macronutrients, 10 food groups, and from sugar-sweetened beverages. These indicators and their respective eating locations were then included in linear regression models adjusted for gender, age, and education level.
Meals consumed at workplace cafeterias had lower energy density, higher fiber density, and higher proportions of vegetables, fruits, and beans than those consumed at home. However, away-from-home meals contain more sugars, sweets, fats, and oils.
Eating location influences diet quality, so dietary surveys should assess meals consumed away from home more thoroughly since meal quality varies greatly by food service.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Daniel Henrique BANDONI, Daniela Silva CANELLA, Renata Bertazzy LEVY, Patricia Constante JAIME
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.