Calcium and caffeine interaction in increased calcium balance in ovariectomized rats


  • Sandra Tavares da SILVA Universidade Federal de Viçosa
  • Neuza Maria Brunoro COSTA Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
  • Frederico Souza Lima Caldoncelli FRANCO Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Rio Pomba
  • Antônio José NATALI Universidade Federal de Viçosa


Caffeine, Calcium bioavailability, Estrogen


This study investigated the effects of caffeine intake associated with inadequate or adequate calcium intake in laparotomized or ovariectomized rats by means of the calcium balance. Forty adults Wistar rats were ovariectomized or laparotomized.

The animals (n=40) were randomly placed in eight groups receiving the AIN-93 diet with 100% or 50% of the recommended calcium intake with or without added caffeine (6mg/kg/day). The animals were kept in individuals metabolic cages at a temperature of 24°±2o C, light/dark cycles of 12/12 hours, and deionized water available ad libitum. On the 8th week of the experiment, food consumption was measured and 24-hour urine and 4-day feces were collected to determine calcium balance [Balance=Ca intake-(Urinary Ca+Fecal Ca)].

Animals with adequate calcium intake presented higher balances and rates of calcium absorption and retention (p<0.05) than those with inadequate calcium intake, regardless of caffeine intake (p<0.05). Caffeine intake did not affect urinary calcium excretion but increased balance (p<0.05) in the groups with adequate calcium intake.

Adequate calcium intake attenuated the negative effects of estrogen deficiency and improved calcium balance even in the presence of caffeine. 


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How to Cite

Tavares da SILVA, S. ., Brunoro COSTA, N. M. ., Souza Lima Caldoncelli FRANCO, F., & NATALI, A. J. (2023). Calcium and caffeine interaction in increased calcium balance in ovariectomized rats. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 26(3). Retrieved from

