Household food insecurity in Brazilian adolescents: A validation study


  • Stefanie Eugênia dos Anjos Campos COELHO Universidade de Brasília
  • Rodrigo Pinheiro de Toledo VIANNA Universidade Federal da Paraíba
  • Ana Maria SEGALL-CORREA Universidade de Campinas
  • Rafael PEREZ-ESCAMILLA Yale School of Public Health
  • Muriel Bauermann GUBERT Universidade de Brasília


Adolescents, Rasch model, Food Security


The objective of this study was to evaluate the internal and predictive validity of a six-item household food insecurity scale to measure food insecurity in Brazilian adolescents.

A cross-sectional study with a representative sample of Brazilian adolescents (N=14,690) was conducted in public and private schools in 26 state capitals and in the Federal District of Brazil using an online questionnaire.

Most respondents were female (53.2%) with mean age of 14.4 years, and 72.7% of them attended public schools. The psychometric properties of the scale, assessed using the Rasch model, showed better response rates without the item five, exhibiting optimal Infit statistics and an increasing level of severity among the items. Cronbach’s á was 0.767. Differential item functioning analyses showed similar behavior between the items in the subgroups evaluated. Factor analysis confirmed the unidimensionality of the scale.

This study proposes the removal of the item five and the inclusion of new cut-off points for this short form of the scale. The Household Food Security Scale (short form) is valid and reliable to measure household food insecurity in Brazilian adolescents.


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How to Cite

dos Anjos Campos COELHO, S. E. ., Pinheiro de Toledo VIANNA, R., SEGALL-CORREA, A. M., PEREZ-ESCAMILLA, R. ., & Bauermann GUBERT, M. . (2023). Household food insecurity in Brazilian adolescents: A validation study. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 28(4). Retrieved from

