Validação de fotografias de alimentos para estimativa do consumo alimentar
Photography, Food guide, Food intake, Size perception, Portion sizeAbstract
Validate photographs of a photographic guide of foods to estimate food consumption.
The photos of 12 foods (simple cake, pasta to suck, papaya, watermelon, grated purple cabbage, okra stew, barbecue into strips, grilled chicken, condensed milk pudding, pizza, raw peanuts and cheese type mines), pictured in three portion sizes (small, medium and large), were evaluated for 90 adult subjects. The weight, height and gender of the participants also were investigated. For analysis of agreement between the size of the food portion pictured in the photos and the actual size of the food used the Kappa test. Data were analyzed using Stata software, considering p<0.05.
The highest prevalence was hit for pizza preparations (87.8%), barbecue (80.0%) chicken fillet and pudding (75.5%), while foods with a lower percentage of correct answers were watermelon (52.2%), the papaya and cake (57.8%). The overall agreement between the perception of the size of the food portion and the actual size of the food was 0.622 (p<0.001). The perception was not influenced by sex and nutritional status of participants (p>0,05).
We conclude that the 12 photographs showed a good agreement with the portions of food and can be a useful instrument to increase the accuracy of dietary intake reports.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Rávila Graziany Machado de SOUZA, Marta Isabel Valente Augusto Moraes CAMPOS, Mariana de Morais CORDEIRO, Estelamaris Tronco MONEGO, Maria do Rosário Gondim PEIXOTO
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