Anthropometric measurements and markers of renal function in adults and older adults


  • Victoria Araujo Ganzaroli AMADOR Universidade Federal de Goiás
  • Ana Tereza Vaz de Sousa FREITAS Universidade Federal de Goiás
  • Alessandra Vitorino NAGHETTINI Universidade Federal de Goiás
  • Edna Regina Silva PEREIRA Universidade Federal de Goiás
  • Maria do Rosário Gondim PEIXOTO Universidade Federal de Goiás

Palabras clave:

Albuminuria, Glomerular filtration rate, Nutritional status, Obesity, Renal insuffiemcy, chronic


To determine whether anthropometric indicators are associated with markers of renal function in adults and older adults.

This cross-sectional study included 279 adults and older adults attending eight primary healthcare units in eastern Goiânia, Góias. Sociodemographic, lifestyle, and clinical data were collected using a standard questionnaire. Body mass index was categorized as overweight (≥25 kg/m²) or non-overweight. Waist circumference was classified as normal or high; chronic kidney disease was defined as a glomerular filtration rate below 60 mL/minutes/1.73 m²; micro/macroalbuminuria was defined as an albumin/creatinine ratio above 30 mg/g. The association between anthropometric indicators and renal function markers was assessed by
multiple linear regression analysis.

Chronic kidney disease was present in 8.9% and micro/macroalbuminuria in 34.8% of the sample. The prevalence of overweight was 57.0%. Waist circumference and body mass index were positively associated with glomerularfiltration rate, characterized as glomerular hyperfiltration. Microalbuminuria was positively associated with body mass index in women.

The prevalences of chronic kidney disease and overweight were high in the study population. Overweight was positively associated with glomerular filtration rate.


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Cómo citar

Araujo Ganzaroli AMADOR, V. ., Vaz de Sousa FREITAS, A. T. ., NAGHETTINI, A. V. ., Silva PEREIRA, E. R. ., & do Rosário Gondim PEIXOTO, M. (2023). Anthropometric measurements and markers of renal function in adults and older adults. Revista De Nutrição, 29(2). Recuperado a partir de

