Reception of nutrition information by adult and older adult users of Primary Healthcare: Occurrence, associated factors, and sources of information


  • Ivana Loraine LINDEMANN Universidade Federal da Fronteira do Sul
  • Emily Parker MOLON Universidade Federal de Pelotas
  • Gicele Costa MINTEM Universidade Federal de Pelotas
  • Raúl Andrés MENDOZA-SASSI Universidade Federal do Rio Grande


Feeding behaviour, Health promotion, Nutrition in public health, Primary health care


To investigate reception of nutrition information (outcome), associated factors, and types of sources.

This cross-sectional study, conducted in 2013, included 1,246 adult and older adult users of the Primary Healthcare network of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The sample was characterized by reception of nutrition information, its sources, and demographic, socioeconomic, health, knowledge, and life habit variables. Prevalence ratios and their respective 95% confidence intervals investigated associations between reception of nutrition information and independent variables.

More than one-third of the sample (37.6%) received nutrition information (95%CI=34.9–40.3). Older adults, individuals with positive self-perceived diet, those who received health information, and those who were physically active were more likely to receive nutrition information, and normal weight individuals were less likely. The outcome differed by income strata, being highest in the highest quintile. There was a linear trend for education level and for following the Ten Steps to Healthy Eating: the outcome was more likely in individuals with at least higher education and those who followed at least four steps. The most cited sources of nutrition information were television shows (56.2%), other (46.2%), physician (41.2%), Internet (25.1%), and family
members (20.9%), which did not differ by sex.

Primary healthcare users received little nutrition information, and television could be a useful tool for the institutions responsible for the sector to disseminate the official nutritional recommendations. 


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How to Cite

LINDEMANN, I. L., Parker MOLON, E. ., Costa MINTEM, G. ., & MENDOZA-SASSI, R. A. . (2023). Reception of nutrition information by adult and older adult users of Primary Healthcare: Occurrence, associated factors, and sources of information. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 30(4). Retrieved from

