Breakfast eating among Brazilian adolescents: Analysis of the National Dietary Survey 2008-2009
Adolescent, Breakfast, Food consumptionAbstract
To characterize breakfast eating among Brazilian adolescents.
Food intake was estimated based on a 1-day food record of adolescents aged 10-19 years, according to the first National Diet Survey (2008-2009). Breakfast was considered as the first meal of the day eaten between 4 and 11 am.
Ninety-three percent of adolescents reported eating breakfast. This meal contributed to 17.7% of the daily energy intake. The most commonly consumed food groups were: coffee and tea, breads, butter/margarine, milk, cakes and cookies, packaged snacks, corn-based dishes, cheese, processed meats, and fruit juice. In the Northern region there was a higher frequency of coffee and tea and roots and tubers intake and lower frequency of milk intake than that in the other regions in the country. In the Northeastern region, the intake of corn and eggs was high; in the Southern region, there was high intake of processed meats and fruits. Adolescents from
families in the first income quartile reported higher intake of coffee and tea, packaged snacks, corn, and roots and tubers intake, and lower intake of milk and dairy products. Adolescents from families in the highest income quartile reported higher intake of milk, fruit juice, cheese, and sugar-added beverages.
In Brazil, the contribution of breakfast to daily energy intake among adolescents is low. The nutritional quality of breakfast improved with increased income. The three most frequently consumed items were coffee and tea, breads, and butter/margarine.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Luana Silva MONTEIRO, Amanda de Moura SOUZA, Bruna Kulik HASSAN, Camilla Chermont Prochnik ESTIMA, Rosangela Alves PEREIRA
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