Factors associated with perception of the current silhouette and body image dissatisfaction in adults with obesity



Body image, Body dissatisfaction, Exercise, Obesity


To verify the factors associated with the perception of current silhouette and body image dissatisfaction in adults with obesity.
Cross-sectional study derived from the baseline of a randomized clinical trial. The perception of current silhouette and dissatisfaction with body image, defined by the difference between the perception of current and ideal silhouette, were obtained from a scale that ranged from one (smallest silhouette) to nine (largest silhouette). The independent variables investigated as associated factors (crude and adjusted linear regression) were: sex, age, skin color, body mass index (kg/m2), percentage of body fat, level of physical activity, and food intake.
Sixty-nine obese individuals (body mass index ≥30kg/m²) were studied, 42 of whom were female and with the following mean values: 34.7 (±7.2) years; 33.5 (±2.8) kg/m², and current silhouette of 6.6 (±0.9). All were dissatisfied with their excess body weight. The categories associated with a perception that matched the current silhouettes were male sex, white skin color, and higher body mass index values when compared to female sex, non-white, and lower body mass index values, respectively. Regarding body image dissatisfaction, white people had lower scores than those with other skin colors.
Being male, having white skin color, and having a higher body mass index were risk factors for the perception of larger body silhouettes, while only non-white skin color was associated with dissatisfaction with body image.


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How to Cite

STREB, A. R., VIEIRA, C. G., SILVA, C. S. da, Bertuol, C., VARGAS, P., & DUCA, G. F. D. (2023). Factors associated with perception of the current silhouette and body image dissatisfaction in adults with obesity. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 36. Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/nutricao/article/view/10219

