Measuring the quality of main meals: Validation of a meal quality index


  • Bartira GORGULHO Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
  • Gerda Karolien POT University of Amsterdam
  • Flavia Mori SARTI Universidade de São Paulo
  • Regina Mara FISBERG Universidade de São Paulo
  • Dirce Maria MARCHIONI Universidade de São Paulo


Dietary patterns, Dietary quality, Meals


To evaluate the internal validity and reliability of an index developed to assess the nutritional quality of meals.

The Main Meal Quality Index is composed of ten components. The fi nal scores range from 0-100 points. The index performance was measured using strategies for assessing content validity, construct validity, discriminant validity and reliability. The analyses were performed using the Stata statistical software at a 5% signifi cance level.

The index was positively associated with carbohydrates, vegetable proteins, fi bers, vitamins, folate and potassium and negatively associated with energy, total fat, saturated fat, animal protein, cholesterol, phosphorus, sodium,added sugar, and cholesterol biomarker. Significant differences were found between the two groups with marked disparities in dietary quality, smokers (50.2 points) and non-smokers (53.5 points).

The index might be a useful tool for assessing the nutritional quality of meals and for monitoring and comparing groups.


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Como Citar

GORGULHO, B. ., POT, G. K. ., Mori SARTI, F. ., FISBERG, R. M. ., & MARCHIONI, D. M. . (2023). Measuring the quality of main meals: Validation of a meal quality index. Revista De Nutrição, 31(6). Recuperado de

