
  • Helga Hinkenickel Reinhold Departamento de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia CIínica da PUCCAMP


A questionnaire survey was used to investigate the sources and symptoms of stress among 72 female elementary school teachers from 9 urban state schools of a medium size town in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. More than half of the teachers rated being a teacher as either very or extremely stressful. The most frequently mentioned job stressors were "large classes", "pupils' lack of interest" and "a few difticult to discipline students take to a much of my time away from the other students". The most frequent symptoms of stress reported involved tension and exhaustion. Results suggested that non-occupational stressors might contribute to the perception of occupational stress and should, therefore, be isolated in future studies.


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How to Cite

Hinkenickel Reinhold, H. . (1985). FONTES E SINTOMAS DE STRESS OCUPACIONAL DO PROFESSOR I . Psychological Studies, 2(2-3), 20–50. Retrieved from