Communicative intentionality: theories and implications for infant social cognition


  • Fabíola de Sousa Braz AQUINO Universidade Federal da Paraíba
  • Nádia Maria Ribeiro SALOMÃO Universidade Federal da Paraíba


Social cognition, Intention, Language, Mother-child relations


This paper explores babies’ communicative intentionality and the acquisition of this ability in the first year of life. It presents a theoretical discussion of this theme, looking at research that points to the social-communicative dimension of language and its relevance to the child’s social cognition, as well as the adult’s role in developing this ability. It also emphasizes the narrow relationship between triadic contexts and
communicative intention, the different points of view on the evolutional moments in which this ability emerges and the nuances of the investigation into the infant’s acts of communication, mainly when such acts incorporate the intentional element.


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How to Cite

AQUINO, F. de S. B. ., & SALOMÃO, N. M. R. . (2010). Communicative intentionality: theories and implications for infant social cognition. Psychological Studies, 27(3). Retrieved from