Beliefs concerning the system of training: the prediction of personal and job-related variables
Attitudes, Job performance, Individual differences, Personnel trainingAbstract
Research has shown beliefs in the System of Training, Development and Education to be an important, predictive variable of the impact of the actions of Training on performance at work. However, which variables are related to beliefs about the System of Training, Development and Education? The purpose of this study was to identify how good are the beliefs about the system of training and to ascertain if individual characteristics influence these beliefs. 220 individuals were included in the sample survey, working in seven private companies in Rio de Janeiro. The scale used in the survey had been previously validated. Descriptive analyses, correlations and regressions were conducted. The results indicate that previous experience in the System of Training, Development and Education, age, length of service and salary are determinants of beliefs concerning the System of Training, Development and Education. We discussed the practical implications of the results and suggested
an agenda for research into this area.
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