The impact of the second child’s pregnancy on the family dynamics


  • Caroline Rubin Rossato PEREIRA Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Cesar Augusto PICCININI Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul


family dynamics, pregnancy, child


The present article examines some theoretical issues and empirical findings concerning the impact of the second child´s pregnancy on family dynamics. Based on a systemic approach the marital relationship the parent-firstborn relationship and the role of social support at that moment are focused. Furthermore it examines the impact of this transition period on the firstborn. In spite of the studies’ inconsistencies, many authors have emphasized that the adaptation process of a family with two children had already begun during pregnancy. However, this period changes have some particularities, when compared to the changes after the baby’s birth. Besides, the interactions and family relationships during pregnancy may play an important role on family’s adaptation after the second child’s birth.


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How to Cite

PEREIRA, C. R. R. ., & PICCININI, C. A. . (2007). The impact of the second child’s pregnancy on the family dynamics. Psychological Studies, 24(3). Retrieved from