University oftbe Third Age and the Certificate: students and ex-students'opinions



adult development, aging process, third agr, University of the Third age


Toe objectives were to verify: a) how students and ex-students of an Univcrsity of the Third Age assess a non-officially recognized certificate; b) which social contribution derive from attending this course; c) possible differences among groups. Intcrviews were used with 24 subjects divided into three groups: former students, present students and frcshmen, aged 46 to 80. Toe responses were submited to statistical and thematic contcnt analysis. Results showcd a positive evaluation for their main concem is leaming, rather then continuing professional life.Toe plans for the future are self-oriented, related to adaptating to aging process, rathcr than to social concerns. Onc can conclude that these Universities enhance well succedcd aging and make possible the search for new social roles.


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How to Cite

Erbolato, R. M. P. L. (1996). University oftbe Third Age and the Certificate: students and ex-students’opinions. Psychological Studies, 13(1). Retrieved from