Why is European protection of personal data not a legal limit to the development of artificial intelligence?

A critical analysis of the relationship between the General Data Protection Regulation and the proposal of a European regulation on artificial intelligence





Artificial intelligence, Data protection, European Regulation


.The article puts forward the proposition that the function of European personal data protection as a legal limit and anthropocentric guarantee is increasingly called into question in the context of the development of artificial intelligence.


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How to Cite

Koumpli, C. (2023). Why is European protection of personal data not a legal limit to the development of artificial intelligence? A critical analysis of the relationship between the General Data Protection Regulation and the proposal of a European regulation on artificial intelligence. Revista De Direitos Humanos E Desenvolvimento Social, 5. https://doi.org/10.24220/2675-9160v5a2024e9950



Dossier: Artificial intelligence, data protection, and human rights