Balancing and rationality: the relativization of human rights and the proportionality in disproportionate countries
Direito, interpretação jurídica, ponderação, proporcionalidade, Robert AlexyAbstract
This research discuss the relevance of Robert Alexy's theory of balancing (Gewichtung) in Brazilian courts. The central question is why a theory that relativizes humans rights becomes a hegemonic conception of juridical argumentation in Brazil? The conception of principles as optimization mandates (Prinzipien als Optimierungsgebote) mean the relativization of human rights and a selective use of balancing. The main hypothesis raised is that, because of the relativistic nature of human rights, this theory becomes convenient for countries with brutal indexes of social inequalities, such as Brazil and other Latin American countries. In order to achieve these results, a methodology is used to analyze the relationship between the motives that justify the conceptual decisions of Robert Alexy and the reasons – or lack thereof – invoked in exemplary precedents of the Supremo Tribunal Federal, in order to establish a critical reflection on the discursive structure that this theory provides for the justification of possible selective relativizations of fundamental rights. As a result, that theory transform the concept of principle, whose impacts need to be better discussed, especially in peripheral and unequal societies such as Brazil.
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