Alterações provocadas pelo colesterol dietário


  • C. M. R. Gonçalves-Carvalho
  • Q. S. Tahin
  • T. C. Cavalcanti


aterosclerose, colesterol, dietas, lipoproteínas


This review shows the positive correlation between plasmatic lipid levels and coronary diseases incidence, and explain the mechanisms by the which dietary cholesterol alters plasmatic cholesterollevels and also the alterations in plasmatic lipoprotein levels, mainly LDL and VLDL, considered to be atherogenic.

Key-words: atherosclerosis, cholesterol, diets, lipoproteins.


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How to Cite

Gonçalves-Carvalho, C. M. R., Tahin, Q. S., & Cavalcanti, T. C. (1990). Alterações provocadas pelo colesterol dietário. Bioikos, 4(2). Retrieved from


