About the Journal

Transinformação (e-ISSN 2318-0889) is a specialized journal, edited by the Library Science College, Center of Social and Applied Human Sciences from the Catholic University of Campinas. Founded in 1989, the journal has adopted the continuous publication modality since 2019, focusing on articles that contribute to the study and development of Information Science, Library Science, Archivology, Museology, and related areas, being open to contributions from the national and international scientific community.
Transinformação is adept at Open Access and all its content is available and protected under the Creative Commons license (CC-BY). In addition, it does not charge fees for the submission, evaluation, or publication of articles.

Qualis: A1
Impact Factor: 0.604
Area of ​​knowledge: Applied Social Sciences
e-ISSN: 2318-0889
Short title: Transinformação (Online)
Contact e-mail: transinfo@puc-campinas.edu.br


Current Issue

Vol. 36 (2024)
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