
  • Lígia Maria Moreira DUMONT Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais


reading and context -reading and subjectivity


The studies about the eJJectiveness of the act of reading weave their roots mainly in three dimensions: context, motivation and meaning. These concepts camefrom history, psychology andsemiology, respectively,demonstratingan imbricationofknowledgeareasthatneedto be analyzed to achieve the understanding ofthe true reading eJJectiveness.Despite thefact that these these concepts act almost indistinctly in the practice ofreading, the articlefocuses the context in a didactic way. It is considered a reading catalysis element, because ifthe context described by the al/thor doesn 't coincide with the reader 's contexto his existence, the reading wil/ not be accomplished. Reading philosophers' arguments and discussions are presented, emphasizing their concepts and theses.


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How to Cite

Moreira DUMONT, L. M. . (2001). CONTEXT,READING AND SUBJECTIVITY. Transinformação, 13(1), 1–5. Retrieved from


