For democratic areas of learning


  • Ana Maria Sá de CARVALHO Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Rute Batista de PONTES Universidade Federal do Ceará


undergraduate education and research, reading practices - teaching and research, school library, information science


This work concentrates on the education of information professionals, pinpointing
the interaction between teaching and research, and aiming at a more qualified and humanized education. The research project, titled:”Reading Practices in
Public Schools in The Ceará Complex”, included the participation of the Department of Information Science students. Through the investigation, the
problems existing within today’s trend of reading politics and school libraries
were discussed, besides the deficiencies observed in primary and secondary education, related to reading practices. The research’s approach is based on the theories of Vigotsky and Bakhtin, the social-interactionalists researchers, as well as, on the reception and literacy aesthetics. The project results demonstrate the interaction success between the undergraduate students and teachers of the schools under study. This sanctions the assertion that, among the alternatives
proposed by the Associação Brasileira de Educação em Ciência da Informação to improve the quality of undergraduate studies, the duality education/research
is one of the best. However, the results also indicate the following needs: to improve awareness and sensibility towards new reading practices, adequate training of human resources for multimedia centers, and the presence of a
professional librarian in such centers.


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How to Cite

Sá de CARVALHO, A. M. ., & Batista de PONTES, R. . (2003). For democratic areas of learning. Transinformação, 15(3), 1–12. Retrieved from


