The make up and aim of the Information Science and the Postgraduation in the area of: notes for reflection


  • Maria Nélida GONZÁLEZ DE GÓMEZ Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro


action of information, layers, heterogeneous actors, interdisciplinarity


The Information Science do not have as an objective 'information', outside the context, it builds its objectives from a point of view that organizes a knowledge domain, through information articulation/action of information.The “layers” and
modalities of the action of information, estabilishes new common fields with other fields of knowledge. Therefore the Postgraduate programmes are a
combination of a disciplinary programme, that is the domain’s institucionalization principle, and a research programme, focussing on development and innovation.


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How to Cite

GONZÁLEZ DE GÓMEZ, M. N. . (2003). The make up and aim of the Information Science and the Postgraduation in the area of: notes for reflection. Transinformação, 15(1), 1–14. Retrieved from

