Scientifically marginalized: a critical view of knowledge from epistemology
interactive epistemography, epistemology, organization of knowledge non-epistemologic communitiesAbstract
Analysis of the knowledge, and its organization, using interactive epistemography as opposed to epistemology. The latter, which has been traditionally tied with methodical and elitist knowledge, actually ignores great part of
the socially produced knowledge, confining it to marginalized knowledge. When considering instead, the interactive epistemography, the need to incorporate to knowledge and to its organization ethical, cultural questions and politics is firstly emphasized. Consequently the objective of the epistemography is to be present
in knowledge environments which are purposedly excluded from contemporaneous processes of registration
and flow, in order to enable its incorporation to digital networks, through which, dominant knowledge pass. Thus, it considers the creation of tools to declassify knowledge, whether already classified, or being classified. Such declassification assumes a reinstating of contradiction, as an after-epistemologic resource, and the substitution
of dominant logic for paraconsistent logic. Therefore, epistemography intervenes in order to welcome excluded knowledge, returning the legitimacy which has been denied by conventional processes of recognition and ordinance.
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