Information quality: concepts and applications
information quality, information, organization, organizational informationAbstract
Information quality is one of the basis for the survival of organizations and of more competitiveness among them. Therefore, in the last years, researches and studies about the topic have been expanding. The way how to evaluate measurement and improve the information quality, allowing organizations to use and show it with more efficiency and efficacy, has been a topic of research of many authors, who have been proposing empiricist, intuitive, analogical and ontological approaches. The information quality and the information quality processes are analyzed in this work, and especially the evolution of the studies about information quality and its eventual applicability in the market, with the purpose of demonstrating, although its subjectivity, if evaluations about this topic in the organizational context have already been done. Despite the existing critics about the presented approaches, this work intends to emphasize the importance and the need of the evaluation of information quality in the organization, aiming to provide the continuous improvement and the organizational learning.
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