Reflexive activity indicator and grounded theory: reflexive thinking in information seeking and using


  • Kelley Cristine Gonçalves Dias GASQUE


Information search, Information using


The methodological approach, consisting of the Reflexive Activity Indicator concurrently applied to Grounded Theory, allows for the identification of the actions and types of thought occurring in a particular case, making it possible to verify the occurrence of reflexive thinking in reports of the subjects during determined actions. This article presents an overview of methodological tools, as well as goals, phases, procedures, evaluation criteria, and limitations. Finally, it exemplifies the use of that benchmark. The results show that most of the thinking used in information seeking and using is of the non-reflexive type. The relationships perceived in this research are of a multi-referential nature, which requires interdisciplinary tools to solve the problem.


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How to Cite

Gonçalves Dias GASQUE, K. C. . (2011). Reflexive activity indicator and grounded theory: reflexive thinking in information seeking and using. Transinformação, 23(1). Retrieved from


