Effect of collective intelligence in organizations


  • Ketry Gorete Farias dos PASSOS
  • Edna Lúcia da SILVA


Enterprise 2.0, Collective intelligence, Network society, Web 2.0


The new information and communication technologies have enabled information to be shared quickly and effectively. Similarly,
organizations have adopted new technologies to communicate and disseminate information. This article therefore presents
reflections on how Web 2.0 can empower organizations in the network society. To do this, concepts of collaborative networking, collective intelligence, the importance of company networks for organizations, Web 2.0 and Enterprise 2.0, were discussed. It was concluded that organizations are increasingly becoming aware of the potential of Web 2.0, not only to advertise products, but also as a space for exchange of knowledge, improvement of services and troubleshooting. Thus, companies that operate in networks can best overcome their limitations with the help of their employees and customers through collective intelligence.


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How to Cite

Gorete Farias dos PASSOS, K. ., & da SILVA, E. L. . (2012). Effect of collective intelligence in organizations. Transinformação, 24(2). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/transinfo/article/view/6155


