Preparation and testing of a historical of Brezil test as reading material: vocabulary ans ilustrations


  • Maria Theresa Oliva Pires de Mello


lIustration, Teaching material, Reading


The present report could be inserted among those which try to get more siutable ways for composing education material. The main aim of this research is to create a reading material suitable for students at a public schoollocated in a suburb os São Paulo. It was writen a text wich contained pieces of information about History of Brazil, and
illustrated with poictures. To verify the comprehension leveI, a test was done based on the
nouns, key words and on the pictures. The results showed that the majority of words got
about 50% to 75% of right answer, the picturs reached 75%. Those numbers can b considered satisfactory.


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How to Cite

Mello, M. T. O. P. de. (1989). Preparation and testing of a historical of Brezil test as reading material: vocabulary ans ilustrations. Transinformação, 1(3). Retrieved from


