The importance reading to teachersresearchers: self-report and opinions


  • Maria Marta Giacometti


Reading, Research technology, Reading and research


The present study analyse the motivational variables in the reading behavior of teachers-researchers of Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul. Twenty four subjects were randomly selected; divided in three different groups of activity and suddivided
by their sexo The data were co/ected using interviews and self-reports. The results showed that the reading behavior is basicalya function of their professional requests and they aren't worried about their academic achievement or actualization; and in some cases
the point of view expressed regarding lecture doesn't correspond in the pratice to theirs
actions. The influence of sex and three scientific areas were also analysed; was verified some attributables diferences to these variables.


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How to Cite

Giacometti, M. M. (1990). The importance reading to teachersresearchers: self-report and opinions. Transinformação, 2(1). Retrieved from


