Informal Comunication, Scientific CommunicationAbstract
Given the role of the university professor in the generation and dissemination of scientific and technological information, this study-analyzes the process of informal communication among the professors ofthe "Federal University of Piaul". This is due to the expectation that the overwhelming majority of these professors prioritize their former process of formal education in detriment of their professional up-dating. In this way, the professors remain apart from the advances in their specific field of knowledge. So, what takes place is a worsening ofteaching quality and consequently science and communication also end up suffering. The data were gathered in March 1994, through the use of questionnaires applied to 200 professors (20%) from various areas, in order to verify: information habits; evaluation of the interpersonal communication networks, incluing scientific associations and publications; the use of the libraries; procedures for elaboration of bibliographies
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