University extension and teaching: an analysis of pupils and teachers experiences from 1" and 2ndlevels


  • Silvelene Pegoraro Lamon


The University must think and rethink its integration with 1st and 2nd levels teaching in the same way it thinks itself. Between action perspectives and ocurred attitudes from this supposition avised the Coordenadoria de Divulgação Científica e Cultural (COCC), wich acts on 1st and 2nd levels
teaching. It is fundamentally important to know students and teaching professional's perceptions about this. The research was realized with students, teachers, principal and librarian from a Public 1st and 2nd levels School, at São Carlos (N =125). Between the students, studying and researching
predominate just when teacher's request. The Public Libraryis the biggest aid Instituition for a bibliographic research, followed by COCC, where comes to
the librarians help. Encyclopaedia and books are the most used materiais. From ali COCC activities, "excursions and visits" are more frequent. There is integration needs between activities and libray. Library has a good concept
between students and technique staff, although it is insufficiently known and used. To make better CDCC actuation, particularly its Library, several suggestions were made.


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How to Cite

Lamon, S. P. (1994). EXTENSÃO UNIVERSITÁRIA E ENSINO: University extension and teaching: an analysis of pupils and teachers experiences from 1" and 2ndlevels. Transinformação, 6(1/2/3). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/transinfo/article/view/1643


