
  • Margarida Pinto Oliveira
  • Esmeralda Maria de Aragão


Scientific communication pattems, Medical communication channels, Scientific productivity


7he scientific communication pattems of UFBA's Medical College professors/researchers are presented through a sample of 41,7% of the
universe (271 professors) under three  pproaches: 1 - sex, age and graduation levei: 2 - research activity, its production and communication cannals used for improvement and dissemination of the results; 3 - financial sources, obstacles and scientific leaders influence to the research development. 7he "Congresses and similarsHwere prefered among the informal and semiformal
communication cannals the Periodical arlicleH among the formal ones the HlndexesHamong the superformal ones. 7here are some kind of similarity between these data and the ones showed in the published paper "Pattems
of Scientific Communication in Federal University of BahiaH in concem with the professors/researches of the Medical College. 7he studyalso shows the library and "onlineH services utilization and presents some suggestions to
development of the researches activities. 7he scientific communications pattems of UFBA's Medical College professors/researchers are presented.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, M. P., & Aragão, E. M. de. (1995). PADRÕES DE COMUNICAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA DOS PROFESSSORES/PESQUISADORES DA FACULDADE DE MEDICINA/UFBA. Transinformação, 7(1/2/3). Retrieved from


