Implementation of agroforestry systems as a sustainable strategy to improve phosphorus availability in oil palm cultivation in the Amazon
Amazonian agriculture, Agroecology, Oil palm diversification, Soil managementAbstract
Phosphorus (P) is the most limiting nutrient for agricultural production in the tropics. In Amazon soil, the low availability of P has been affected family farming production. Agroforestry Systems are used usually as a sustainable and low-cost alternative for the supply and maintenance on P stocks in amazonian agricultural systems. However, there is few information about AFSs contribution to the distribution and lability of P in this ecosystem. The aim of this study was to evaluate the labile and moderately fractions of P (organic and inorganic) in the soil under oil palm cultivation (Elaeis guineensis), inserted in two organic Agroforestry Sistems with different plant composition. We determined P fractions using the sequential extraction method. The results showed that Agroforestry Sistems didn’t differ from conventional cultivation in the supply of easily-available P and promoted an increment of 20% in the supply of moderately available P in relation to conventional cultivation. The insertion of organic agroforestry systems in oil palm cultivation in the Amazon represents a promising type of management both for the supply of easily-available P and maintenance of P stocks in the soil by increasing moderately available P.
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