Supervised curricular internships and teaching identity

the syllabi of geography bachelor’s degree courses




Discursive textual analysis, Curriculum, Teacher education, Pedagogical project of the degree course


This article aims to analyze the perspectives of supervised internship, in geography degree courses, in southern Brazil and the constitution of teaching training and identity, based on the relationships established in the Pedagogical Projects of these courses. Its methodology is based on Discursive Textual Analysis, which seeks to read the analyzed data, moving between the two forms: content analysis and discourse analysis, being the key to the study of the courses’ Pedagogical Projects, specifically the internship syllabi from each university selected for the research, such as Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina and Universidade Federal do Rio Grande. The proposition of objectives and analysis of empirical material made it possible to identify three distinct realities from the reading of the courses’ Pedagogical Projects, each with its singularities and particularities in relation to its contribution to the initial training of future geography teachers. There are, after all, courses that enhance certain identities and courses that prioritize certain training models according to their professional needs.


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How to Cite

Araújo Michielin, C., & Militz Wypyczynski Martins, R. E. (2024). Supervised curricular internships and teaching identity: the syllabi of geography bachelor’s degree courses. Revista De Educação PUC-Campinas, 29.


