Statistical literacy in the consolidation of a Sustainable Development Goal (SDG)
an experience in the 8th grade of elementary school
Elementary School, Self-Care, Statistics Teaching, Statistical LiteracyAbstract
Statistical information has always been present in society’s decision-making process. However, few people have the necessary knowledge to exercise their citizenship. This study aims to develop a statistics teaching project, specifically on critical data analysis and decision-making, articulated with the Sustainable Development Goal “Health and Well-Being”, aiming to provide meaning for students. The qualitative investigation is based
on the statistical project “Self-care: what does statistics have to do with it?”, developed with students of the 8th year of elementary school in a municipal school in the city of Praia Grande/SP. The results indicate that students were able to reframe their hygiene habits and understand the importance of statistics in decision making. Finally, it was understood that developing activities that express students’ reality and experiences
and place them as main actors in the teaching and learning process is a relevant strategy for developing a critical and literate citizen in statistics.
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