Comparative study of statistical graphics in Chilean and Spanish primary school textbooks




Content analysis, Reading levels, Purpose, Data representation, Types of graphs


The aim of this paper is to analyse the situations involving statistical graphs in Spanish and Chilean textbooks for primary education (6 to 11 years old). A qualitative and descriptive study of the situations is carried out considering the categories: type of graph, purpose of the graph and reading level required to solve the situation. The content analysis shows that Chilean texts present a greater number of situations involving statistical graphs. In both countries, bar graphs predominate, but Spanish texts show a greater variety of graph types as the course progresses. Most graphs, in both contexts, are used to information, while reading levels focus on direct reading, comparison or simple calculations. It is concluded that it is necessary to incorporate situations that progressively cover more sophisticated reading levels with the idea of developing a critical interpretation of data according to the demands of today’s society.


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How to Cite

Cisternas, G., Pallauta, J. D. ., & lgueda-Ibarra, M. (2023). Comparative study of statistical graphics in Chilean and Spanish primary school textbooks. Revista De Educação PUC-Campinas, 28.



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