Human Rights, Decolonial Studies, and the Global Educational Pact

possible dialogues for an intercultural Education




Human rights, Decolonial studies, Intercultural Education, Dialogue


The present study aims to show the role of education as a promoter of pacifism grounded on a study on the foundations of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights with Jacques Maritain in dialogue with the decolonial studies represented by authors Boaventura de Souza Santos and Catherine Walsh from a qualitative study with descriptive objectives of bibliographic procedure. In the analysis, presupposing the polarized contemporary world context, we resorted to the foundations of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in force, having as a counterpoint the decolonial studies that somewhat diverge regarding the first from a theoretical viewpoint, but envision the same initial objective, which is to guarantee the defense of humanity and to promote the dignity of the human person. Despite differences, we note that implementing the ecology of knowledge through critical interculturality in the educational system is a way of defending human rights currently. The theses exposed share a point: education is the most effective means of pacifying polarizations, resolving differences and oppressions, and promoting interculturality.


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How to Cite

de Franco, C., & Filho, M. F. (2023). Human Rights, Decolonial Studies, and the Global Educational Pact: possible dialogues for an intercultural Education. Revista De Educação PUC-Campinas, 28.


