Mentoring and self-regulated learning online training program: impact on mentor’s variables




Autorregulação da aprendizagem, MOOC, Moodle, Tutoria


The present work analyzes the impact of the online training program focused on mentoring and self-regulated learning comprised of: a beginner course, and an advanced course. Both courses emerged as a response to the need for training mentor teachers in Portugal. The training program included the guidelines of legal framework and the literature recommendations. To evaluate the impact of the training program, 180 teachers participated voluntarily. In the advanced course, the training of mentors (i.e., declarative knowledge), perception of self-efficacy and affective commitment to the mentor role were analyzed given their positive and significant relationships with the quality of the mentor role. The initial course is the first phase of training, for this reason, only declarative knowledge was examined. In the end of the courses, significant increases were found in all variables. The online training program contributed positively to train teachers as mentors, and may be useful to other contexts that intend to implement mentoring in educational contexts.


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How to Cite

Cunha, J., Oliveira Martins, J. A. ., Carvalho Santos Pereira, A. S. ., Oliveira Lopes, S. ., Fuentes Muñoz, S. ., & Sales Luís Fonseca Rosário, P. J. . (2022). Mentoring and self-regulated learning online training program: impact on mentor’s variables. Revista De Educação PUC-Campinas, 27, 1–16.


