
  • Mara Villas Boas de Carvalho


educational practice, basic cycle and technical cycle, pedagogic project


The author aims at discussing the interest in the professors' teaching practice and taking into account the present situation of education in the University. The present work it a had ;:is central objective intended to tum polemic the relationship between the Basic Cycle and the Technical Cycle in two courses of the Health area: course of Nursing and the course of Medicine. Recognizing the inexhaustible importance of overcoming the fragmentation that pains the university formation, it opted for a study that involved glimpses with the educational ones that teach simultaneously in two courses, and analyzed inside of a perspective hermeneutic-dialectic. lt was ended that is urgent to rethink the structure of the University organization, classifying the functions of the way Departments to favor the indispensable integration to the professional formation of quality.


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How to Cite

Carvalho, M. V. B. de. (2000). BASIC CYCLE TEACHER’S DISCOURSE ABOUT DAILY PEDOGOGICAL. Revista De Educação PUC-Campinas, (9). Retrieved from


