
  • Rosa Madeira


Special Education, Inclusive School, Social Reproduction, Social Change


ln this article, Special Education and Inclusive School are approached as expression of the way in which Society, being located in Communities, represented by the State and interleaved in a peripheral fashion in the World-Wide System which is organized by Economy, deals with Difference. lt agrees with the view that special needs people are one among other social groups, whose differences are transformed into disadvantages when it comes to the right to social inclusion. ln arder to ref/ect on how Nursery School Teachers and other localagents play their role in this process, through practices that penalize differences and legitimate both subordina/e inclusion and social exclusion, we present the narration of an experience, which was recognized as being ground-breaking in Portugal, in the integration of mentally disabled children in public schools. The refuse of the subordination and exclusion as "other" places of integration in nowadays' Society, sustain the group as a "place" of search for alternatives for special education as an active reproducer of the present reality. lt is in this way that we can include, in the history of a country that has come forward in the search for more justice and freedom, the history of the probably less visible struggles of those who have fought for a horizon of possibility that Inclusive school is a part of.



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How to Cite

Madeira, R. (2004). BUIWING THE EDUCATION . SPECIALLYINCLUSIVE. Revista De Educação PUC-Campinas, (16). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/reveducacao/article/view/283


