Mathematics Teacher Education, Mathematics Education, The Mathematics of the MathematicianAbstract
ln this article I begin from a well-established situation in mathematics teacher education, and from there to examine why and how we should change it. The existence of "mathematics content" courses, disarticulated from what actually is the profession of the mathematics teacher, both from theoretical and practical points of view, presents an enormous challenge to the community of teacher educators, and this article intends to point a direction in which the discussion of those issues can be fruitfully pursued. On the one hand, there is a lack of a body of research results showing which - if any- is the impact of the "mathematical" preparation on the actual practice of teachers. On the other hand, decisions about curricula are made as if those research results were available, but actually based on informed opinion and some non-specified experience on the field. I do not intend to provide here the results that are missing, only to suggest some elements that might prove useful and necessary if we indeed want to conduct the research that can take us ahead.
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