Mathematics Teachers lnitial Education, Mathematics Teachers Continued Education, Geometry TeachingAbstract
The research presented in this article comes from a larger project aiming to identify ways in which the toais of the software CABRI-GEOMETRE li can contribute in the education of mathematics teachers. The methodology used was based on the practices of investigation associated with the interpretive model (PÉREZ GÓMEZ, 1998). Two projects were developed: one with in-service mathematics teachers and another with students from a initial teacher education course in mathematics. ln this article, we analyze the role of collective work in both projects. The research indicated that the strength acquired as a result of this collective work and the richness of the discussions that emerged during the projects, nourished by the experiences and knowledge brought by each participant were determining elements in the development of both projects. The projects enabled the sharing of knowledge, of both a theoretical and practical nature, and this sharing represented an essential element in the construction and reconstruction of specialized pedagogic knowledge (IMBERNÓN, 1998).
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