
  • Manoel Oriosvaldo de Moura


Teaching Education, Pedagogical Activity, Shared Education, Spaces of Learning


'Theory and practice are different things". This is a principie that stubbornly tries to assert itself as truth for many Mathematics teachers. Having as goal the agreement of the teaching formation process can be the way to place the theory and the practice as parts of the new movement of knowledge construction on the pedagogical activity. ln this text, we discuss the teachers formation whose reference is a project from trainee classes untitled "Mathematics Club" and a col/aborative research developed at the CEFAM - Specific Center of Formation and lmprovement of Teaching- in São Paulo. From these works, one infers that the complexity of the requered knowledge for the teaching activity demands partnerships between centers of formation of mathematics teachers. These partnerships will have to breach with the logic of the summation of discipline credits juxtaposed in isolated departments that leaves to chance the future teacher understanding of its social role and the development of his potential for better performance in an environment characterized by the complexity of intervening factors in the formation of the human being. Given the nature of the object of the teacher which, in its definition and implementation, involves affective, social-cultural and epistemological factors, among many others, we must accept that the teachers formation is a shared task.


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How to Cite

Moura, M. O. de. (2005). SPACES OF LEARNING AND SHARED EDUCATION. Revista De Educação PUC-Campinas, (18). Retrieved from


