
  • Cármem Lúcia Bancaglion Passos
  • Fernanda Migliorança
  • Jean Piton Gonçalves
  • Edgar dos Santos Gomes
  • Vanessa de Paula Brasil
  • Tatiane Déchen


Mathematics Teachers Graduation, Eventual Teacher, Mathematics Education


The present text searches to characterize Mathematics eventual teachers who work occasionaly in public schools of some cities of São Paulo state. These teachers, most of them graduated in Mathematics, face dilemmas in classroom practice. We search in this work to know these dilemmas to understand the processes through which these teachers pass, either at the beginning of their career, either after many years of teaching, as we verify that several teachers work during many years as eventual ones. it can be seen that, even in face of diversity, eventual teachers look for developing practical skills, so that their performance can be important for lhe students. On the other hand, it is necessary that we discuss to whom the permanence of the current work conditions of lhe eventual teacher is of interest. 


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GONÇALVES, Jean Piton; GOMES, Kleber. O Professor Eventual em uma escola pública de Campinas. Campinas: CEMPEM/Unicamp, 2001. (Monografia de Graduação), 54p.

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How to Cite

Passos, C. L. B., Migliorança, F., Gonçalves, J. P., Gomes, E. dos S., Brasil, V. de P., & Déchen, T. (2005). DILEMMAS FACED BYEVENTUAL MATHEMATICS TEACHER. Revista De Educação PUC-Campinas, (18). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/reveducacao/article/view/259


