Project Polítical Pedagogic, Major in Mathematícs, Mathematical Education, Evaluation and lnterdiscíplinary WorkAbstract
The present article is part of a study which is about the construction of the Pedagogic Political Project in Mathematics Major Course of a private school located in Great ABC/SP -Brazil. lts purpose is to present the experience developed in the course of Mathematics Major on the referred institution in arder to get a criticai interpretation about the fact that teaching practice, curricular probation and graduation task are connected and can not be separated. The methodological procedures in this analyze were interviews, depositions, questionnaires and documents. The partia/ result on this research shows how the ínterdísciplinary work between the Teaching Practice, Graduatíon Task and Supervised Probatíon is important to build a necessary and ímportant project, further than legal determínation (Teachíng Practice and Supervised Probation). Thís interdísciplinary work can be understood as a teacher's reflex and ínstítution conceptíon about world and education. Thís work also shows an íntrínsíc connectíon among methodologícal and epístemologícal optíons. The Pedagogical Polítical Project is a process whích the informatíon is transmitted and more ímportant than that, it has a pedagogical function to develop the knowledge about the quality of teachíng actívítíes; relatíonshíp between people and the needs of the future teachers. Furthermore, reachíng these objectives the majors courses will be able to form not only professionals, but more ímportant than that, to form citizen's professional.
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