
  • Anna Regina Lanner de Moura


Multidisciplinary Teachers Preparation, Mathematical Conceptual Education, Elementary School


This text discusses the possibility of (re)signification of the relation between mathematical knowledge and part of pupils from three courses on Pedagogy in UNICAMP - Universidade Estadual de Campinas -, by intervening a proposal that focuses: - the development of the conceptual nexuses with reference to the logical-historical dimension of the concept, as studied by Kopnin (1978); - the classroom relational dynamics that articulates the moments of the emblem, dilemma and problem of conceptual elaboration. The objective of this proposal is to make possible to the teacher and future teacher to once again make contact with the basic concepts of Mathematics (Caraça, 2002) in arder to reevaluate his relation with this area of knowledge and with his own practical. This proposal is developed in the three courses - a traditional course of the institution and two Special Programs -in disciplines that discuss the fundamentais of mathematics teaching in initial grades of the Fundamental School with differentiated teaching load for each one of the courses. From the pupils reflections made in classes, in their portfolios and memoriais, two types of relation with Mathematics were defined: in one type are congregated the pupils who say that their relation with Mathematics is not a calm one; in the other type of relation, a minority of pupils declared to accept Mathematics as a challenge. lt's possible to detect in their speech, a movement that dislocates their relation with mathematical knowledge, during the development of classes, that goes from a relation of rejection, indifference and escape to a perspective of challenge, personal meaning and conquest. This movement does not refers to the totality of pupils in classes but it can be affirmed, by reading the portfolios and memoriais, that it manifests as a tendency in the three courses. 


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CARAÇA, B. de J. Conceitos Fundamentais da Matemática. 4.ed. Lisboa: Gradiva, 2002.

DAVIDOV, V. V. Tipos de generalización en la ensenanza. Havana: Editorial Pueblo y Educación, 1985.

KOPNIN, P. V. A dialética como lógica e teoria do conhecimento. Tradução de Paulo Bezerra. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Civilização Brasileira S.A., 1978.

LIMA, L. C. A dialética do conceito. São Paulo: CETEAC, Mimeo, 1998.



How to Cite

Moura, A. R. L. de. (2005). MATHEMATICAL KNOWLEDGE OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY TEACHERS. Revista De Educação PUC-Campinas, (18). Retrieved from


