
  • Mercedes B. Q. de Carvalho Pereira dos Santos


Education Course, Mathematics Teaching Fundamentais, Elementary and Basic Education


This work has the objective to ponder on the learning process of temale students in the mathematics disciplines, in basic education, and the Fundamentais of Mathematics Teaching in the Education course. The female students who took part in this research are presently attending the fifth or the sixth term of the Education course in a school in Sao Paulo city, where I teach. The majority of them are elementary ar basic education teachers of initial grades, in public schools, and were themselves students in these sarne public schools. Their answers showed that they have several doubts and lack self-confidence about mathematics teaching, and several of them said that they did not learn, when they were in elementary education school, the mathematics concepts that are fundamental to the development of their work as teachers. They also said that they were uninterested about or hated their teacher and the Mathematics course when they were students. And they showed they were concerned about not letting their students have negative feelings towards Mathematics. The sixth grade students also said that the Mathematics Teaching Fundamentais course was very important to them because it changed their perception in relation to this subject, helping them to have a new attitude with their students.


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How to Cite

Santos, M. B. Q. de C. P. dos. (2005). MATHEMATICS TEACHING FUNDAMENTALS AND THE PEDAGOGY COURSE. Revista De Educação PUC-Campinas, (18). Retrieved from


