
  • Solange Puntel Mostafa
  • Luis Fernando Máximo


Education Media, Educational Sites, Teachers´ Education


The research purpose is to check the balance among the exploratory, interactive and educational dimensions found in educational sites. Based on our personal experience surfing in the internet we could find 103 educational sites and the information was classified into 5 categories: 1) The site proposal or philosophy; 2) Team Formation; 3) Kind of Initiative; 4) Access, Partnership, Target Audience; 5) Prominence. After this statistical analysis, we started studying the relationships that teachers from municipal schools establish with some of these sites in school activities. This study was carried on through the blog tool with 6 teachers responsible for the school’ computer science labs. These two steps led us to build the “Municipal Teachers Site” with 5 categories of consulting: pedagogical material; prepared classes; class projects; educative games; videos and films trailers to be used pedagogically.


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How to Cite

Mostafa, S. P., & Máximo, L. F. (2005). EDUCATION-MEDIA AND EDUCATION-ART: AN APPROPRIATE APPROACH. Revista De Educação PUC-Campinas, (19). Retrieved from


